So, the Water/ Politics/ and Hope exhibit turned out to be really great. I was pumped that so many people came and that the response was so positive. It was so fun to organize and put up an exhibit.. now I just want to do more exhibits all the time! Also, it was so fun to conceptualize and produce all the promotional stuff for the exhibit (a collaboration with Keenan), and I think that I really want to do more work in that arena in the future, professionally. Anyway, it has been really cool also to hear people's responses to the exhibit (there is an email on the website where people can send in their thoughts about the work). Today someone that I don't know sent in this response to my piece:
"I really enjoyed this piece. It was my favorite in the show. I think that the way it presented it's message was very powerful. The contrast between those who have water and those who do not was shocking. We are so fat here in America and we take so much for granted. It really became apparent when you place a picture of a starving child next to a typical American child. It was cool how he used the orange which is a very dry, warm color and contrasted it to the blue, cool, wet color. I think the compostion is very good too, letting us see how our view is refracted. I give this two thumbs up! Keep up the good work!"
I really like to hear feedback about my work in that sort of way, from people I don't know, and where it's not solicited so directly, like "here look at this and tell me what you think" but actually a response that someone felt personally inclined to give on their own. Even when people's interpretations of the work isn't exactly what I intended to convey. I actually like that, not being there to explain every detail or intention, but just allowing the viewer to interpret.
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3:30 PM
Amber and I just went with a couple of our friends to a going away party for our dear friend Bardhi Haliti. When we first got there, a girl that we haven't seen in awhile called out across the room "Hey! Jon and Amber have come out of their cave!" I thought it was really weird, and also a bit presumptuous of her to say that. Sort of funny that one might assume that if you don't hang out with them then you don't hang out with anyone. Or to assume that you must not have any real friends that are outside of "their circle" or do things that are outside of "their awareness." I have nothing against anyone at that party, as a matter of fact a lot of them are good friends of mine and have been for a long time even if we don't see each other all the time, and some of them are good friends of mine that I do see often, and some are people I've never seen before in my life. But regardless, I was disappointed that someone felt like greeting us with a comment that essentially meant "Hey, I haven't seen you guys in a long time, and that must mean that you are living a friendless life void of human interaction and activity!" No offense, but that kind of comment certainly doesn't communicate any sincere "nice to see you" and is really just pretty annoying. Anyway, we said our farewells to Bardhi, who I am sad to see go, but also very excited for him. He will do very well in NY, I am sure. And who knows, maybe we will move back there next year... Anyway, back to the cave.
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10:13 PM